We offer ample activities at the George and Annie Starck Homes in order to keep the residents active, happy and involved.
We offer ample activities:
- Exercises are presented twice a week by a physiotherapist at the Healthcare Facility and twice a week by the social worker in the Manor house. The exercises are mainly chair based but give a good physical as well as a mental workout to keep the residents fit.
- Handwork classes, as well as a knitting group, is hosted to keep the eye-hand coordination, as well as social skills, functioning well.
- Pilates classes are presented by a physiotherapist for the more active residents, with excellent results.
- An extended library is run by volunteers to serve all the residents. Books from the Bellville Library are exchanged every three months. Books owned by George and Annie Starck Homes are also available for residents to read.
- For the sport orientated residents there is a Carpet Bowls team which on a regular base engage in matches against other Retirement villages the players are vibrant, energetic people who love to be competitive.
- Rummikub is played at a competitive level as the team competes against other Retirement villages.
- Keen shoppers are given an opportunity to visit shopping
centres in the vicinity on a weekly basis.
- Weekly chapel services are held in the chapel by several Inter-Denominational Ministers, Priests
and Pastors on a regular basis. Communion is served in the frail carecentre on a regular interval.
- Outings for the Healthcare facility and the other residents are held twice a year. It varies from visits to the Postberg nature reserve, Kirstenbosch, Darling Wildflower shows, tea and scones or breakfast at a farm or restaurant, an ice cream cone at the beach or a weekend outing to nature and game reserves, etc.
- Concerts are held on a regular basis, it may vary from music, dance or choir performances.
- Every year for Father’s and Mother’s Day the residents are spoilt rotten. The past year the treats were a high tea and a snoek braai.
- In order to raise funds and provide a platform for interaction, mini bazaars are held on a regular basis. Pancakes, pudding, boerewors rolls, cake table, white elephant, handwork etc are sold.
- Alternatively, a Spring walk and a Games Morning is held annually. At the spring walk residents are divided into groups (most mobile, walking sticks, three and four wheelers, wheelchairs) at the completion of the route, medals are handed to the first, second and third place. Prizes for first place can be won.
- The Games morning usually challenges the residents to an indoor competition of various games and activities. Both of the above mentioned are fun-filled days which the residents love and enjoy.
- The therapy dogs, Ollie our Maltese poodle, lives at the Healthcare Facility and Buddy, our Golden Retriever, resides in one of the Assisted Living houses.
- Their vibrant energy and unconditional love
enriches the lives of our residents.
- The frail care residents are part of a raised garden project which will be implemented during the spring/summer season.
- All residents are welcome to make use of the Hair Salon, situated at the Healthcare Facility.
- Rose’s café, situated on the premises, can supply basic provisions, cooked meals
and lovely treats. It is a wonderful gathering place for friends and family.
- Apart from family involvement, the community is also involved, especially students who often (as part of community outreach programmes), visit the residents or present
several dancing or singing repertoire.
- OPEN DAYS: For any further information please visit us at our next open day which will take place on Wednesday 07 August 2019 promptly at 10:00 am. On the open day, we present an information/ question and answer session.
Afterwards , we undertake a tour for visitors to view units in the retirement village, our Home for the Aged (Assisted Living) as well as the Healthcare Facility.

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If you are interested in the Starck Homes and would like additional information.