All ….. of us oldies met at the Manor House at 8 am.

We were doubtful whether we would go on the much anticipated outing as it was a cold cloudy day, but, being the brave souls that we are, we left in the two kombis to wind our way up the West Coast Road. We knew we were in safe hands as our drivers were Abri and Tielman.
Arriving at the park our first stop was at the entrance as the majority of us needed a pit stop. That done we wound our way to the first lookout point By that time the clouds had cleared, the sun was shining and as a result, there were carpets of flowers in many different shades. Arriving at the lookout
point we were met with a magnificent sea view.

En route to our second stop, we were privileged to spot a variety of birds, buck and of course ostriches. By this time our tongues were hanging out for the anticipated tea and biscuits and of course, we needed another much needed pit stop. On that note, the ablutions were wonderful and clean.
When we stopped for lunch we had stunning views of the lagoon. Lunch, supplied by WPC, was a real treat, well -presented and labelled wishing us a nice day.
Simone nearly brought home a couple of pets, namely a hairy worm and a tick. Not sure what Annemie collected after sitting and posing amongst the flowers for photographs.
With all the excitement of our beautiful day, no-one missed their afternoon nap.

But as it was getting late we had to find our way home making one further important stop at ‘Vygie Padstaal’ for homemade pies, farm bread and the wine was going cheap!!

Although our old faithful kombi battled up the hills we all arrived home safely A big thank you to Simone, Annemie, the two drivers and our caring nurse Sophia Talmaggies for a most enjoyable and blessed day.

By: Ursula Brown