Congratulations to Peter and Thelma Best on their 65th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday 31st May!

Earlier this year they celebrated Peter’s 95th and Thelma’s 87th Birthdays. Most of their married life was spent residing in Boston where they had built one of the first houses in 1959 in the area above 12th Avenue.

They have two children Gary (married to Lesley) and Michele, 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. They say loving and supporting each other in everything over the years has been their secret and they feel wonderfully Blessed by our Lord to still have each other and spend each day together!  They now reside at The George and Annie Starck Homes in Bellville.

The family congratulate them on this fantastic milestone and are immensely proud of them!

Congratulations from the Residents, and Management of George and Annie Starck Homes and Starckwood. We wish them God’s richest blessings.